Sackville Swim Club’s Parental Commitment

Applicable to: Minnows Makos Greys Blues Great Whites

SSC is a member-run organization that relies on the participation of its membership to run Club activities. We require that families contribute to both club operations and the running of hosted swim meets throughout the season.

The Importance & Benefits of Volunteering

  • Volunteering helps to keep our club fees low.
  • Volunteering allows us to be active and present in a sport in which our children have chosen to participate.
  • Volunteering helps you to meet other families.
  • Volunteering allows us to appreciate others for their efforts and understand how much work it takes to run a swim club.

By completing your registration package, you have agreed to the following parent/guardian commitments:

  1. That at least one parent/guardian per family will volunteer in revenue generating club activities such as our annual Swim-a-Thon (May) and Triathlon (August). Volunteer opportunities will be available for sign-up at our scheduled Parent Meetings at the start of the season.
  2. In addition to the above, that at least one parent/guardian will participate at a minimum of two (2) swim meets hosted or co-hosted by SSC. 
  3. For families new to SSC, that at least one parent/guardian will complete the Introduction to Swimming Officiating clinic by October 31st, preferably in time for participation in our first hosted meet.
  4. For families in their second year with SSC, that at least one parent/guardian will complete the Judge of Stroke and Inspector of Turns clinic by October 31st, preferably in time for participation in our first hosted meet.
  5. To participate in major fundraising events. Your child's participation in the Swim-a-Thon is encouraged. Please understand that your swimmer(s) monetary contribution does not limit their participation in the annual Swim-A-Thon.
  6. That you understand and support the attendance and competitive expectations of Sackville Swim Club.
  7. That you agree that your swimmer(s) will be properly registered in Swimming Canada's Registration, Tracking & Results system before the swimmer(s) participate in any SSC activities, events, or practices. This process involves agreeing to Swimming Canada’s terms, policies and returning the required waivers. Our Team Registrar will initiate the registration process for swimmers shortly after registration is completed, and parents will be automatically notified that they can complete the Swimming Canada Registration Tracking & Results system registration themselves.​​​​​